Empathic Design

Assistive Devices
for Huong La Center

Educational Toys
for Thuy An Center

Tactile Toys
for Vietnam & Friends

Enrichment Toys
for Animals Asia


Target Audience: Community

~ # of classes: 20

Using your developed Design Lab skills, Create an Educational Toy for one of three possible target markets: 

Statement of Inquiry

The BIG Idea

Educational toys are developed to meet the needs of different learners within a community

Factual Questions

Remembering facts and topics

Conceptual Questions

Analysing big ideas

Debatable Questions

Evaluating perspectives and developing theories

Key Concept

Links to other learning


Communities are groups that exist in proximity defined by space, time or relationship. Communities include, for example, groups of people sharing particular characteristics, beliefs or values as well as groups of interdependent organisms living together in a specific habitat.

Related Concepts


Global Context

Real-world application

Fairness and Development

SDG 4 & 10

Sustainable Development Goals


Construct a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


As we begin this unit, let's look at a way of charting our progress that might be useful to plan your time. You will receive your own Gantt chart planner. Move this to your 'Design' folder in drive and look through some of the stages that you would have to do in completing the unit. 

All the evidence of learning will be saved into the appropriate tabs along the bottom of this sheet in the templates provided 


A: Inquiring & Analysing


Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client / target audience


In this project, your target audience is an under-resourced school within the Vietnamese Community. Your areas of focus are SDG 4 & 10, Quality Education & Reduced Inequalities. Use the template provided to detail a 'Problem Statement.' 

You may choose to focus on one of the following target audiences:

Below are some ideas of what each of the organizations would be using the toys for. 


Some examples of toys that would go to rural and mountainous communities are wooden toys that are super sturdy and durable, are good for outdoor use and use in dirt, and that don't have too many small parts that can go missing. These would mostly be for young children. Toys like the quoits set, toys cars, the xylophone, blocks etc are perfect! The educational toys like the clocks and letter sets could be used in the kindergartens up there too, so would still be super useful.

Other toys, with smaller parts or that require more complex thinking could stay in Hanoi, mostly for the Drop In Centre or for Emergency Accommodation. The age group here would be 8 years and up. The educational toys like the clocks and letter sets could be used in our Learning Centre too.

Everything you've suggested in the photo file is perfect for different contexts, so I'm really excited to see what the students come up with! 

Kim from Blue Dragon

Chess set, puzzles, matching shapes, tactile boards, board with colored dots.

List of toys for children with visual impairments.docx


Construct a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently


Now that you know what problem you would like to solve, it's time to think about research. Here are some examples of questions you might want to consider in your inquiry and how they can be prioritized and categorized into primary and secondary research.  (HINT good exemplar in the "resources" link)

Content Research...

Skills Research...

If you have chosen the target market of the visually impaired school, here are some suggested alterations. 




Analyze a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem


Look at existing products that you think will engage your target market.  Here is a good search to help: https://www.naeyc.org/resources/topics/play/toys 

Add an image at the top of the template provided and conduct a SWOT analysis. For the opportunities, consider how you could apply this idea within the context of UNIS.  For example... look at the 'Resources' exemplar 


Feedback: Teacher

Now that you have completed your research, let's make sure you are on the right track to create a successful product or solution.  


Feedback Checkpoint

B: Developing Ideas


Develop detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research


What design specifications will make your end product or solution successful? Write your ideas down in the imperative form (i.e. it must do..., it has to include…).

Specifications to choose from: 

Here is a LINK to some generic specifications with descriptions and at the bottom of the doc some generally used testing methods (evaluation)

Here are some specific ideas for Specifications you may like to choose from:



Develop a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


Concept sketching is an integral part of the design process. Based on your design specifications and the opportunities you identified during your SWOT analysis of existing products, begin to sketch out at least 3 different ideas and share them with peers.

One method to test whether or not the product you are planning will work well for your clients would be to let children of a similar age look at your concepts for constructive feedback 




Present the chosen design and justify fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification



In an ideal scenario, you would be asking your client or target audience for feedback on your sketches. This is so you can develop your sketches further and check that your design specifications have been met. 



Develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.


Now that you have chosen your final idea you will need to develop drawings of parts (CAD or sketch) along with a cutting list as you move into the design lab. If you intend to use either the 3D printer or the laser cutter you must have CAD models.


Model your design using the foam-board. This will help you determine correct sizes, see if your product is an appropriate size, if all the parts fit well, look at how you will join pieces together,  engage your client, aesthetics....etc 



Feedback: Self

Now that you have completed your design, reflect on your progress here:

Feedback Checkpoint

C: Creating the Solution


Follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately


Present your final design and document whether or not you met your key dates or had to change your plans. This can also be a link to your final product or solution. 




Fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution


During the design cycle, it is rare that everything goes to plan. Measurements need to be adjusted, unforeseen events interfere with key dates. 

Document any challenges that you encountered while making your product or solution and describe what changes you made to your design and plan as a result.


Challenges: I couldn't get the product finished in time for my due date because I missed 2 classes due to a sports tournament abroad. 

Justification for any changes made to your design and plan: My plan had to be adjusted by pushing back my key date by 1 day since I had to use academic prep time to finish sanding my product. My design changed a little bit because I didn't have time to paint my product.


Feedback: Peer

Now that you have completed your product or solution, help out a peer in reviewing their work. Use the Peer Assessment tool here;

Feedback Checkpoint

D: Evaluating


Design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution

Instructions: #NOTE D1 to D4 can be addressed in a video reflection

Go back to the design specifications that you created in B1. Look at the testing methods that you considered using to test if those specifications would be successful. Design and carry out those methods.

Typical testing methods include:



Critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing


Go back to the design specifications that you created in B1. Paste these specifications into the first column in the template provided. Based on the tests you conducted in D1, paste in the link to the results of this testing in the Testing Results column. Evaluate the success of the testing. Were your design specifications met?



Explain how the solution could be improved


Identify improvements that you believe your product or solution would benefit from to positively impact your target audience. Detail the reason or cause that you believe justify that improvement. 



Explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience


Think about how your product or solution impacted your target audience. Include reasons or causes. 
