

What is production?

Once you are ready to begin filming, you consult your storyboard to begin filming your A and B-roll. Ensure you stage your shots well and have several takes of your shots just in case there are issues. This stage includes the following steps: 

Use the tutorials below to help you understand each of these stages...

Mobile Video Gear

We will be using the mobile cameras, tripod boom stick and extension zoom attachment pictured here: 


A-roll Interviews

A-roll is the video that "tells" the story, such as an interview or a news segment. It's the primary audio and video that often consists of one or more people discussing a topic or relating a narrative.


B-roll is the supplemental footage used to visually support A-Roll shots. Think of it as video that "shows" the story.

Lighting and Sound


Sound: One of the biggest distractions in a video is if the sound is unclear or hard to understand.  Make sure you are prepared with good audio or you will end up losing your audience!

B-Roll Challenge!

Now that you have a good idea of what types of filming techniques are out there, take the B-roll challenge and move into learning about post-production (editing)