Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
Step 1: Install Adobe Illustrator
Install Adobe Illustrator on your Mac
Login to the Adobe Creative Cloud app with your school email address. Choose 'Enterprise ID' after logging in. Press the install button.
[2] Practice drawing your first 'Bezier Curves' *
For this 'pen tool' tutorial you need to download the AI Bezier Curve Practice Files and watch the Bezier Curve Tutorial:
Step 2: Practice Bezier Curves
For this 'pen tool' tutorial you need to download the AI Bezier Curve Practice Files and watch the Bezier Curve Tutorial:
Step 3: Practice Line Tracing
For further practice you can use these video instructions and this pack of images that it refers to. Choose one Husky from Set 1 and one from Set 2 to trace and fill.
When finished, hide the watermarked Example layer and screenshot your work to share.
This exercise takes about 45 minutes to complete.
Step 4: Practice Shading & Colorizing
And now...take it to the max! Dab Dog Max!
For further extension, use lines and fill shapes to recreate Dab Dog Max!
When finished, hide the watermarked Example layer and screenshot your work to share.
Preparing the Laser Cutting & Engraving Lines
From Ilustrator to Laser Cutter
As a part of your Skills for this unit, you will need to learn how to use a 2D Vector Illustration Program. In this case, you will be learning Adobe Illustrator.
Research and analyze 2 minimum (range) existing products for the acrylic piece of the Night Light
SWOT Analysis
List positive aspects of the product.
List negative aspects of a product.
List ways to improve the product to make it more relevant to your target audience.
List things you don't control that could limit the success of your product.
Concept sketching is an integral part of the design process. Based on your design specifications and the opportunities you identified during your SWOT analysis of existing products, begin to sketch out a min of 2 different ideas.
Must use A3 paper
Concept sketch min 2 different ideas using just a pencil (freehand).
Now annotate your design by Identifying key features (materials, colour, measurements, etc)
Develop your ideas with the use of a little colour and rendering
After choosing which Concept Sketch from B2 you would like to create for your nightlight, take a picture of your sketch and import it into Adobe Illustrator.
Take a picture of your final sketch
Create a New file in Adobe Illustrator and make it 120mm x 120mm maximum.
Create a circle using the ellipse tool by single-clicking on the paper and typing in 120mm x 120mm. Position the circle in the centre. Then create a rectangle that is 80mm wide x 10mm high. Follow the video tutorial to align the circle and rectangle to the centre and then position them so the rectangle is at the base of the circle. Then combine them using the pathfinder tool and lock the layers.
Edit > Place and find your picture of your sketch. HOLD THE SHIFT KEY to maintain proportions and size it down to within the boundaries of 120 x 120.
Begin tracing using the pen tool. Note: Shapes with a 100% Black fill will appear bright white when engraved (see example below)
When you are happy with the trace of your nightlight, turn the outline around your sketch to red and change the stroke to .001.
When finished, click File > Save as Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file and label it as "YOUR NAME - NL). Then upload to the Acrylic Uploads folder
Screenshot your work and add it to Seesaw under B4 Night Light. Make sure you add the measurements to your screenshot in Seesaw (i.e. 120mm x 120mm) like the example.
EMAIL Ms Thao and CC (your teacher)
cc: Your teacher
Dear Ms Thao and (your teacher),
I have finished my acrylic nightlight and have uploaded it to my Design section folder (ADD FOLDER LINK) on Google Drive. I confirm that I have done the following:
Created a 100% RED outline with a stroke set to .001pt for all the parts that I would like to cut through with the laser cutter.
Added an 80mm x 10mm rectangle at the bottom of the night light and used the Pathfinder tool to combine that rectangle with the red outline I would like to cut.
Traced the rest of my image in 100% BLACK so that the laser cutter knows to engrave those lines and filled in shapes that I would like the night light to show up bright white with 100% BLACK fill.
Thank you for your time, effort and diligence in helping me to complete my product.
Your humble pupil...