Design Thinking Challenges

Understand the Strands...

A: Inquiring & AnalyZing


Explain & Justify

Using the links above, brainstorm with a partner the product or solution you could create to address the problem that is generated.


Identify & Prioritize Research


Analyze Existing Products

Partner up and choose one of the items that is generated. Quickly come up with a SWOT analysis of the product.

Strengths: positive aspects about the product

Weaknesses: negative aspects of a product

Opportunities: ways to improve the product to make it more relevant to your target audience

Threats: things you don't control that could limit the success of your product 


Develop a Design Brief

In a small group, use the design brief generator to review a fake request for proposal (RFP). Quickly summarize the key bullet points that the client would need in their product or solution.

B: Developing Ideas


Develop Design Specifications & Success Criteria

In a group of 3, generate a design brief using the link and list a minimum of 5 features the product or solution MUST include for the client to be satisfied


Develop Feasible Design Ideas

Individually, generate a request for proposal (RFP) from and create a quick sketch or two of your ideas for a product or solution

Just work through the presentation and with the focus on just how little time is required to come up with ideas to develop 


Present & Justify Design

Using the 'Search similar products' extension for chrome. Class chooses a product (eg mobile phone, desk lamp etc). We find a photo of the product and apply the extension. The first 3 are looked at in your table groups and 'Justify' your choice 


Develop Drawings & Outline Requirements

Make a copy as prompted of the link above and fill in under the numbered boxes which orthographic images match the Isometric ones

__________ is my final design and has been developed further to include more details. __________ is an outline of what resources are needed to create the product. 

C: Creating the Solution


Plan Time & Resources

Stop everything, go to the board to draw a small timeline of what happened since you woke up this morning  until you walked into the room


Demonstrate Technical Skill

Let's do C3 if we land on this one :) 


Follow the Plan & Present Solution

From the link above select one of the designs and you have 5 min to follow the plan (instructions) and present your solution (it should fly!!)


Justify Changes made to Design & Plan

Randomly select one of the items from this list and justify why the product has changed from its original form/shape etc 

D: Evaluating


Design Testing Methods to Measure Success

__________ testing methods were designed to measure the success of my product based on my design specifications and success criteria.


Evaluate Success based on Design Specifications

After testing my product on my target audience, __________ evaluates the success of my product against my design specifications.


Explain Improvements

__________ explains how I could have improved my solution.


Outline Impact on Target Audience

__________ explains the impact of the product on the target audience.