Make Your Own 3D Marble Maze

Follow the steps below one by one!

1. Create a new Onshape account

Creating an Account for

2. Change Units to Millimeters

During the signing up for Onshape process you can  change your default length measurement units to millimeter. If you did not do so, here is how to do that now:

Get your units of measurements right! All tutorials below use millimeters.
This designer did the tutorials in inches instead of mm :)



3. Learn how to Create a Sketch

Helpful definitions and videos:

*Still not sure what an orthographic projection is? Watch this video for a simpler explanation!

*Still confused about how to create a shape in Onshape? Watch this video titled "Creating and saving documents on Onshape" for another explanation!

4. Tutorial challenge 

Create this with the knowledge you've just learned...

Here are the dimensions 

Here is the final product 

5. Create your basic Marble Maze 

Click '+' to Create a new 'Part Studio'

Right-click a tab to rename a Part Studio

6. Customize!

7. Create an orthographic drawing

NOTE: the tutorial uses 'inches' and selects a template that suits this measurement. YOU need to select a drawing template that is in millimetre. ANSI_B_MM.dwt is a good fit for this size product and the scale can be 1:1  or 1:2.

B4: Planning Drawings

Develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.


Now that you have finalized your planing drawings, screenshot your work and place it in the template on Toddle.  

Exemplar & Rubric:

8. Export for 3D printing

REMEMBER: We have the following colors to choose from for your housing: 

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, Clear, Gray, Black

C3: Product 

Follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately


Present your final design by documenting the following: 

Exemplar & Rubric:

Feedback Checkpoint

You have now completed Criterion B & C: Design Ideas / Creating the Solution, make sure you are on the right track to create a successful product or solution.  
