Design & Make - Emergency Candle Holder

MYP Design Orientation Skill Building Challenge

A culture of emphasis on workplace safety and well-developed technical skills allows for student agency in design projects.

Design Specification

Design inspired by 'Notlicht' by Jan Richter

Modelling - Make a foamcore model of the

Station 1 - Mark out model

Station 2 - Assemble model

Creating Parts

Station 3 - Marking out main parts

Station 4 - Cut tea light hole

Station 5 - Cut plant holder main parts


Station 6 - Cut dowel joint holes

Station 7 - Glue and clamp


Station 8 - Sand Flush

Station 9 - Sand by hand

Station 10 - Oil

Tip: Store your just varnished product on two pieces of dowel for minimal touching of the ground surface.


Develop a technical drawing of final product.  You can choose between

Whichever you choose, your drawing must have:

If you choose orthographic projections, ensure you:

If you choose an isometric projection, ensure you:

Extensions and put to use

Extension 1 (optional)

Model your candle light holder in Onshape and create a digital technical drawing. 

Extension 2 (optional)

Create an engraving on the top in Adobe Illustrator and have it laser engraved.

Put to use