
1st Edition Arduino Course for Absolute Beginners V4.pdf

In this unit, we will dive into the world of coding, using Arduino hardware and explore how computers can use sensors to detect things humans may or may not be able to see, hear, feel or measure. We will front load knowledge and learn the ins and outs of the world of Arduino. This foundational knowledge of the Arduino will then impact the product that students will design in the next unit.

You will be using the eBook linked here and the videos below to learn how to use the Arduino UNO. 

May you "sense" a disturbance in the Force... and use the Force for good!


02 05 IDE Familiarization.mp4

IDE Familiarization

02 06 Hardware Overview - 3.6 on Dashboard.mp4

Hardware Overview - 3.6 on Dashboard


03 02 Syntax.mp4


03 03 Variables.mp4


03 04 Data Types V2.mp4

Data Types

03 05 Functions Overview.mp4

Functions Overview

03 06 Loop and Setup.mp4

Loops and Setup


04 01 Logic Levels.mp4

Logic Levels

04 02 pinMode, digitalWrite, delay V2.mp4

pinMode, digitalWrite, delay V2

04 03 Change Delay Time, Z Principle V2.mp4

Change Delay Time, Z Principle V2

04 04 Change the LED Variable.mp4

Change the LED Variable

04 05 Variable Scope V2.mp4

Variable Scope V2

04 06 Blink Two LEDs V2.mp4

Blink Two LEDs V2

04 07 PWM and analogWrite.mp4

PWM and analogWrite

04 08 PWM Example.mp4

PWM Example

04 09 Serial Communication V3.mp4

Serial Communication V3

04 10 digitalRead V2.mp4

digitalRead V2

04 11 analogRead.mp4



05 01 If Statement.mp4

If Statement

05 02 If with Button.mp4

If with Button

05 03 If with Potentiometer V3.mp4

If with Potentiometer V3

05 04 For Loop Lesson V2.mp4

For Loop Lesson V2

05 05 For Loop with Mulitple LEDs.mp4

For Loop with Mulitple LEDs

05 06 Switch Case.mp4

Switch Case