Vex IQ Competition 2024/25

Rapid Relay 

The primary objectives of the game are: 

Points are awarded based on how many Goals are Scored, how many Switches have been Cleared, and how many times the Alliance successfully Passed the Ball before scoring it

From the RECF: Quick Overview

Game Manual 

Read through the manual for all the rules and regulations of the competition. 

Scroll to Appendix B to see a "Student Friendly" version of the manual. This gives an overview of the competition. 

The manual on our site is Version 2.0 (09/03/24). 

For the latest updated version, visit the RECF website.

It is also available in translated versions through the RECF site. 



Team will be made of 6 students. 

Team roles: 

Students can have more than one role on their team - but cannot be on more than one team.

During the tournament, teams will need: 


Teams can build their own custom bots, that follow the competition specifications: 

For more information and updates, visit the RECF website

For resources and build instructions, you can visit: 

The RECF website 

The VEX website 

VIQRC Rapid Relay Robot Inspection Checklist _v2_2024-06-13.pdf

Hero Bot

To help teams begin, build a Hero Bot. This bot can be used a starting point to later refine and enhance. 

You can use this PDF or these 3D build instructions

Intro to Swish


Engineering notebook 

Teams will need to create and keep an engineering notebook that demonstrates their use of the Engineering Design Process.

It can be either a digital (i.e. Google docs, Google slides) or a physical notebook. 

The judges will be looking at these notebooks and scoring them based on this rubric.

Tips, Tricks and Resources: 


Student Certification

To learn more, student can complete a Drive Team Training Course

This course takes approximately 4 hours to complete and can help you to better understand the competition. 


Reading through this article will help you to get started with your coding.

Vex also offers help to get started and tutorials on the different coding languages you can use with your robot. 

To practice coding a virtual bot, you can go to: