B1: DEVELOP Design Specifications & SUCCESS CRITERIA



7 - 8

develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research

5 - 6

develops design specifications, which outline the success criteria for the design of a solution

3 - 4

lists some design specifications, which relate to the success criteria for the design of a solution

1 - 2

lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution

Note: The highlighted terms above are defined here:MYP Command Terms

List the things that your product must, or must not do. Consider what will make your design a success.

Content & Technical Design Specifications 

What design specifications will make your end product or solution successful? When thinking about  

Write your ideas down in the imperative form (i.e. it must do..., it has to include…)

For example, if we were making a public service announcement, a good specification might be…

A Product Specification is a document that provides critical defining information about a product and can include any or all ‘identifying measurable things’ listed below; design specifications and product requirements need to be checked through the use of ‘Testing Methods’ after or during the manufacturing process. 



Design Specifications

Approaches to learning

Think Critically

MYP.ATL.Thinking-Students must think critically about what the solution needs in order to be successful.

In this example, a teacher discusses what students will need to consider when designing a pencil case for a target market. They must think critically and look at all of the following aspects, and then develop a series of "must haves" for their product.


Consider appearance, style, colour, shape/form, texture, pattern, finish, layout.


Is there a maximum cost? Is this a material cost/time cost/selling cost?


 Who it is for? What is the target user’s age, gender, socio-economic background?

Environmental considerations

 Where will the solution be used? How will the design directly or indirectly affect the environment?

Function (vs form) 

What it must do? What is its purpose? Where will the product be stored? How easily can it be used/maintained?


What resources are available? Are there limitations as to how this can be created? How much time is needed to create the design?


What materials are available? What properties do the materials need to have?


What safety factors need to be incorporated into the design?