Creating the solution
Criteria C: Creating the solution
In this section, you will plan out and create a product or product prototype.
The main focus of this section is to demonstrate your learning through new skill development and documenting your process.
Deliverables are the assessed parts of your design folder.
These are taken directly from the MYP Design assessment criteria.
Milestones are the concepts to understand or important goals you should have achieved at this point in the project.
Ci: Planning
In C1 you Plan out each step of how to create your product.
It should include the resources you need to make the product and the time you estimate each step will take.
Your steps should be clear enough to allow someone else to make your product without much help from you.
You should plan using the “Present simple” tense ie: “The project will be made on Monday”
Cii: Demonstrating skills
Show all the different processes and new skills you learned while making your product.
Showing each skill is a way of demonstrating you understand what processes you used and a way of authenticating that you completed the work yourself.
Images with an annotation can be enough to show the skills.
Skills you already had but have used or improved during your project can be shown too.
You may use this template as a starting point or make your own to use in your Design Folder.
Ciii: Following the plan
Show how you have followed each step of your plan from C1.
Showing your work in sequence demonstrates you understand the logical process of production.
Sometimes you might be repeating things from section C2… you can combine these sections if you like to avoid repeating yourself.
Show the finished product as your final step.
You may use this template as a starting point or make your own to use in your Design Folder.
Civ: Changes
Show or describe any changes you had to make during your process.
Provide evidence and reasons (justifications) for why these changes were made.
You may use this template as a starting point or make your own to use in your Design Folder.
Assessment Checkpoint
Let's make sure you are on the right track to creating a successful product or solution.
Review the comments and marks on Toddle.
Ask the teacher for clarification if needed.
Improve and resubmit your work if required.