Developing Ideas 

Deliverables are the assessed parts of your design folder. 

These are taken directly from the MYP Design assessment criteria.

Milestones are the concepts to understand or important goals you should have achieved at this point in the project.

B1: Design Specification

In section B1 you are asked to use the knowledge you gained in your inquiry phase to guide your ideas.

You should develop a list of guidelines or rules that will help you generate good ideas or choose the best idea from multiple options

Developing a specification is usually done before you develop your first ideas but can also be done after this initial idea phase. 


You may use this template as a starting point or make your own to use in your Design Folder.

Bii: Developing design ideas

There are many ways to develop ideas. The way you show these ideas will vary with the type of project you are Designing. 

Some ways of generating ideas ask you to ideate individual features of a product while others will lead to creating a range of fully formed concepts.  

Once you have generated a set of initial concepts or ideas you must develop them. 

You can combine concepts into a single developed idea, develop a single concept in more detail, or fine-tune one of your first ideas into a final design. 


Paper templates 

If you need to create a detailed drawing of your ideas you can use the following paper for extra printing or use on tablets 


A3 Engineering paper (5mm)


A3 Isometric paper (5mm)


A3 Morphological grid (Engineering paper)

B3: Justifying the design choice

In this section, we use our specifications and inquiry from earlier to decide on and refine our final idea. 

Compare your developed design(s) to the specification points and use this comparison to justify why you should choose the best fit as the final design.

The best design is the one that fulfills the most points from our specifications. 

This process is a quality control mechanism to make sure you are still focused on solving the design problem 

At the end of your comparison and justification present the chosen design visually.


You may use this template as a starting point or make your own to use in your Design Folder.

Biv: Final Design idea

This section is where you present your final design more formally. 

Your design idea should be represented in such a way that would allow it to be created by another designer.

For physical or digital products you should include all the details, requirements, features and functions to be included in the final product.


Paper templates 

If you need to create a detailed drawing of your ideas you can use the following paper for extra printing or use on tablets 


A3 Engineering paper (5mm)


A3 Isometric paper (5mm)


A3 Morphological grid (Engineering paper)

Order form:

To order externally sourced components fill out the Google form. 

If you have questions, ask your design teacher before completing the form.

Assessment Checkpoint

Let's make sure you are on the right track to creating a successful product or solution.