Choice Unit Progress Tracker
Grade 7 Mastery Tracker
Who to ask when you have a question?
Self: Re-read the instructions in the Design Strand (i.e. A1, B2, etc) you are working on within the Choice Unit. If you still aren't sure what to do, check the Resources icon (pictured to the left) in the Design Strand to see exemplars from other units. NOTE: These are just examples to help you see how this strand could be answered in other may not apply to your situation or unit at all.
Peers working on the same Choice Unit: Use your Choice Unit Breakout Rooms and invite people in to discuss possible solutions or simply type your question into the Choice Unit Google Spaces. Everyone that is doing your project will see your question and might be able to help you out.
Community working on the same Design Strand: Check the Choice Unit Tracker below to see if anyone has completed the strand you are working on in either your unit or others. Look for the Blue Check Marks since that means your peer has mastered completing this Design Strand. NOTE: When reaching out to masters, please make sure they are in your class section to limit disturbances to other subjects!
Teacher: If the above tactics did not provide you with an answer to your question, feel free to email or g-chat your teacher with the question or concern. Why you ask? Simple...answering questions for over 100 students in 11 different units would be chaos =)